C function will be the focus of the last file and
it should be written in a subset of standard C. As an example I will use
/* success.c -- success does nothing, successfully */ #include <stdlib.h> int main( void) { return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
that calls
and main()
, I have created stubs for all the
System Exceptions listed in the Programming Manual. For those, if there is no
implementation avalable in init.c, the linker will use the
provided with the __attribute__()
Gnu C extension.
/* Memory locations defined by linker script */ extern long __StackTop ; /* &__StackTop points after end of stack */ void Reset_Handler( void) ; /* Entry point for execution */ extern const long __etext[] ; /* start of initialized data copy in flash */ extern long __data_start__[] ; extern long __bss_start__[] ; extern long __bss_end__ ; /* &__bss_end__ points after end of bss */ /* Stubs for System Exception Handler */ void Default_Handler( void) ; #define dflt_hndlr( fun) void fun##_Handler( void) \ __attribute__((weak,alias("Default_Handler"))) dflt_hndlr( NMI) ; dflt_hndlr( HardFault) ; dflt_hndlr( SVCall) ; dflt_hndlr( PendSV) ; dflt_hndlr( SysTick) ; /* Interrupt vector table: * 1 Stack Pointer reset value * 15 System Exceptions * NN Device specific Interrupts */ typedef void (*isr_p)( void) ; isr_p const isr_vector[ 16] __attribute__((section(".isr_vector"))) = { (isr_p) &__StackTop, /* System Exceptions */ Reset_Handler, NMI_Handler, HardFault_Handler, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SVCall_Handler, 0, 0, PendSV_Handler, SysTick_Handler } ; extern int init( void) ; extern int main( void) ; void Reset_Handler( void) { const long *f ; /* from, source constant data from FLASH */ long *t ; /* to, destination in RAM */ /* Assume: ** __bss_start__ == __data_end__ ** All sections are 4 bytes aligned */ f = __etext ; for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1) *t = *f++ ; while( t < &__bss_end__) *t++ = 0 ; if( init() == 0) main() ; for( ;;) __asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */ } void Default_Handler( void) { for( ;;) ; }Except for the future addition of stubs to handle the device specific interrupts, this file will not grow much anymore.
#define SYSTICK ((volatile long *) 0xE000E010) #define SYSTICK_CSR SYSTICK[ 0] #define SYSTICK_RVR SYSTICK[ 1] #define SYSTICK_CVR SYSTICK[ 2] #define RCC ((volatile long *) 0x40021000) #define RCC_AHBENR RCC[ 5] #define RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN 0x00040000 /* 18: I/O port B clock enable */ #define GPIOB ((volatile long *) 0x48000400) #define GPIOB_MODER GPIOB[ 0] #define GPIOB_ODR GPIOB[ 5] int init( void) { /* By default SYSCLK == HSI [8MHZ] */ /* SYSTICK */ SYSTICK_RVR = 1000000 - 1 ; /* HBA / 8 */ SYSTICK_CVR = 0 ; SYSTICK_CSR = 3 ; /* HBA / 8, Interrupt ON, Enable */ /* SysTick_Handler will execute every 1s from now on */ /* User LED ON */ RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOPBEN ; /* Enable IOPB periph */ GPIOB_MODER |= 1 << (1 * 2) ; /* PB1 Output [01], over default 00 */ /* OTYPER Push-Pull by default */ /* PB1 output default LOW at reset */ return 0 ; } void SysTick_Handler( void) { GPIOB_ODR ^= 1 << 1 ; /* Toggle PB1 (User LED) */ }
lines. Single file
steps can be build explicitly (make ledon.hex
) or implicitly
) after removing the comment on the corresponding
line. Multiple file steps can only be build implicitly when
their SRCS
line is uncommented.
### Build environment selection ifeq (linux, $(findstring linux, $(MAKE_HOST))) GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/arm-gnu-toolchain-14.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi else GCCDIR = "D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-14.2.rel1-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi" endif BINPFX = @$(GCCDIR)/bin/arm-none-eabi- CC = $(BINPFX)gcc LD = $(BINPFX)ld OBJCOPY = $(BINPFX)objcopy OBJDUMP = $(BINPFX)objdump SIZE = $(BINPFX)size ### STM32F030F4P6 based board PROJECT = f030f4 #SRCS = boot.c #SRCS = ledon.c #SRCS = blink.c #SRCS = ledtick.c #SRCS = cstartup.c SRCS = startup.c init.c success.c OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 CFLAGS = $(CPU) -g -Wall -Wextra -Os LD_SCRIPT = $(PROJECT).ld ### Build rules .PHONY: clean all all: $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).bin clean: @echo CLEAN @rm -f *.o *.elf *.map *.lst *.bin *.hex $(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS) @echo $@ $(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $(OBJS) $(SIZE) $@ $(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(PROJECT).lst %.elf: %.o @echo $@ $(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) -Map=$*.map -cref -o $@ $< $(SIZE) $@ $(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $*.lst %.bin: %.elf @echo $@ $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ %.hex: %.elf @echo $@ $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@A successful build will generate the files f030f4.hex, f030f4.bin,, f030f4.lst.
from that header is used. Furthermore, default
location of the header files is derived by the compiler from the location of
$ make f030f4.elf text data bss dec hex filename 216 0 0 216 d8 f030f4.elf f030f4.hex f030f4.binBuilding shows an increase in code, still no data.
Once f030f4.hex is loaded into the board, the behavior is the same
as ledtick.hex. The new file structure and data initialization
didn’t introduce any bugs changes, just code overhead.
Next, I will make the code available in a public git repository.