In order to make a first transmission, the peripherals have to be initialized. As the TX/RX of USART1 are mapped on pin PA9 and PA10, I need to configure GPIOA first.
/* USART1 9600 8N1 */ RCC_AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_IOP( A) ; /* Enable GPIOA periph */ GPIOA[ MODER] |= 0x0A << (9 * 2) ; /* PA9-10 ALT 10, over default 00 */ GPIOA[ AFRH] |= 0x110 ; /* PA9-10 AF1 0001, over default 0000 */ RCC_APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN ; USART1[ BRR] = 8000000 / 9600 ; /* PCLK [8MHz] */ USART1[ CR1] |= USART_CR1_UE | USART_CR1_TE ; /* Enable USART & Tx */Sending data is done by writing in the Transmission Data Register (TDR). To check if it is ready for transmission you must check the state of the TX Empty (TXE) bit in the Interrupt & Status Register (ISR).
I write a basic kputc()
function that does busy waiting if the
TDR is not empty and insures that LF are mapped to CR LF. The ‘k’ in
kputc refer to ‘kernel’, as kputc is a low level function that will be used
mostly for debugging. With the busy wait and the recursive code this
implementation is definitively not optimal, but it’s functional and
that’s what matter most at this stage.
void kputc( unsigned char c) { static unsigned char lastc ; if( c == '\n' && lastc != '\r') kputc( '\r') ; /* Active wait while transmit register is full */ while( (USART1[ ISR] & USART_ISR_TXE) == 0) ; USART1[ TDR] = c ; lastc = c ; }The high level C function I need for this simple test is
I make my own implementation but I keep the same declaration as the standard
header that come with the C compiler.
int puts( const char *s) { while( *s) kputc( *s++) ; kputc( '\n') ; return 0 ; }Finally I use a standard C implementation for hello.c.
/* hello.c -- hello there */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main( void) { puts( "hello, world") ; return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
SRCS = startup.c usart1tx.c hello.cCalling make, I can see that there is now some variable in BSS section of the RAM. It is
local to kputc()
. Because
of word alignment BSS
occupies 4 bytes.
$ make f030f4.elf text data bss dec hex filename 413 0 4 417 1a1 f030f4.elf f030f4.hex f030f4.bin
On Windows PC, if I use PuTTY or Arduino IDE to open COM4 at 9600 baud, every time I press and release the reset button I can see ‘hello, world’ displayed on a new line in the terminal window.
On Linux, when I plug in the USB to UART adapter, it enumerates as /dev/ttyUSB0, so it is compatible with the USB driver for serial ports. If I try to open it with Arduino IDE, I get an error message as I need to belong to dialout group to open that TTY for reading and writing.
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USEROnce added to dialout, I can open /dev/ttyUSB0 at 9600 baud in Arduino IDE, each time I press and release the board RESET button, I can see ‘hello, world’ displayed on a new line in the Serial Monitor window.
, but I will add
support for other stdio functions when needed.
Next, I will switch to an open source tool for flashing over serial connection that works on both Windows and Linux.