2.5: uptime prototype
With the basic functionality available so far, I can write something in
the vein of the Unix uptime
$ man -k uptime
uptime (1) - Tell how long the system has been running.
I am going to make a quick prototype first to validate the concept.
I already have a one second based System Tick interrupt routine, so I just need to make sure it updates a count of seconds. I make a copy of usart1tx.c as uplow.1.c to make the changes. I use a number suffix for the filename when I anticipate making several revisions.
volatile unsigned uptime ; /* seconds elapsed since boot */
#ifdef LED_ON
static void userLEDtoggle( void) {
GPIO( LED_IOP)[ ODR] ^= 1 << LED_PIN ; /* Toggle User LED */
void SysTick_Handler( void) {
uptime += 1 ;
#ifdef LED_ON
userLEDtoggle() ;
The global variable uptime
is marked volatile
, the compiler needs
this information to avoid optimization as the value changes concurrently
when an interrupt is triggered.
I move the user LED toggling code to a dedicated local function
as this is not the only task of SysTick_Handler()
anymore and a call to toggle the LED is needed during initialization. I
adjust the initialization code accordingly.
I write a first uptime.1.c to print the count of seconds every time
the uptime
counter value changes.
/* uptime.1.c -- tells how long the system has been running */
#include <stdio.h>
extern volatile unsigned uptime ;
extern void kputc( unsigned char c) ;
void kputu( unsigned u) {
unsigned r = u % 10 ;
u /= 10 ;
if( u)
kputu( u) ;
kputc( '0' + r) ;
int main( void) {
static unsigned last ;
for( ;;)
if( last != uptime) {
last = uptime ;
kputu( last) ;
puts( " sec") ;
} else
__asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for System Tick Interrupt */
As before for kputc()
, the implementation of kputu()
to print an
unsigned integer in decimal format is not optimal but it is functional.
I update Makefile with the composition.
SRCS = startup.c uplow.1.c uptime.1.c
Unfortunately, when I try to build an executable, the link phase fails.
$ make
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\9 2020-q2-update\bin\arm-none-
eabi-ld.exe: uptime.1.o: in function `kputu':
D:\Projects\stm32bringup/uptime.1.c:8: undefined reference to `
D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\9 2020-q2-update\bin\arm-none-
eabi-ld.exe: D:\Projects\stm32bringup/uptime.1.c:9: undefined r
eference to `__aeabi_uidiv'
make: *** [Makefile:55: f030f4.elf] Error 1
The compiler has generated code that references two functions
and __aeabi_uidiv
when compiling the lines 8 and 9
of uptime.1.c.
unsigned r = u % 10 ;
u /= 10 ;
This happens because the compiler generates code for Cortex-M0 which has no integer division support. So integer division needs to be implemented by code as it is not supported by hardware.
I need to pass the linker a reference to GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain library for Cortex-M0. The library file is libggc.a, the option -l and -L of the linker tell what the library name is (-lgcc => libgcc.a) and where to look for it.
LIBDIR = $(GCCDIR)/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp
LIBS = -lgcc
$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS)
@echo $@
$(LD) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LIB_PATHS) -Map=$(PROJECT).map -cref -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
$(SIZE) $@
$(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(PROJECT).lst
Once the Makefile has been updated, the build finish successfully.
$ make
text data bss dec hex filename
777 0 12 789 315 f030f4.elf
Checking the linker produced map file, f030f4.map, I can see which
library (libgcc.a) but also which modules in the library (_udivsi3.o and
_dvmd_tls.o) have been used to resolve the symbols (__aeabi_uidiv
Archive member included to satisfy reference by file (symbol)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o)
uptime.1.o (__aeabi_uidiv)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_dvmd_tls.o)
D:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/thumb/v6-m/nofp\libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o) (__aeabi_idiv0)
I flash the board and start execution, the output works as expected, the first line “1 sec” appears one second after reset with a new line following every second after that.
Publish and Retest on Linux
I push the changes to the git server then pull them back on my Linux machine for retesting. The build fails with an error reported by the linker.
arm-none-eabi-ld: cannot find -lgcc
The location of the Cortex-M0 libgcc.a library is in the same subfolder as in the Windows distribution. Only the reference to the location of the installation differs, I use absolute path for Windows and relative path (~/…) for Linux. The issue seems to be that ld doesn’t expand ~. So I let GNU Make handle the expansion.
#GCCDIR = ~/Packages/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update
GCCDIR = $(HOME)/Packages/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update
Library management
With Cortex-M0 version of libgcc.a available I have some extra flexibility in handling usage of the library.
1 Work with a local copy of the gcc library.
- copy libgcc.a locally
- LIBS = -lgcc
2 Work with a local copy of the modules extracted from the gcc library.
- ar x libgcc.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
- LIBS = _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
3 Work with my own library made from the needed modules extracted from the gcc library.
- ar x libgcc.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
- ar qc libstm32.a _udivsi3.o _dvmd_tls.o
- LIBS = -lstm32
The ar
command distributed by the GNU Arm embedded toolchain is the
same GNU ar as the Linux or Cygwin and MSYS2 distributions on
Windows. So I use my native environment implementation for convenience.
This is true for the utility commands (ar
, objcopy
, objdump
) but not for gcc
and ld
I have hacked a quick prototype of uptime
and found an extra dependency
to Gnu Arm Embedded Toolchain: some modules included in libgcc.a have to
be included at link time as the chipset I am using has no support for
integer division. At this stage I will reuse the library as it is, but I
know where to look in the map file generated by the linker to find which
modules are included. If I ever need a better control of the link phase,
I can use ar
to extract locally those modules from the library.
Next I will write uptime
with a better structure.
© 2020-2021 Renaud Fivet