3.7 In RAM Execution

Selecting which memory is mapped at address 0x0

So far, I have been executing either my own code from flash or the bootloader from system memory depending of the state of the BOOT0 pin at reset.

Using stm32flash I can request the bootloader to transfer execution to the code in flash memory.

stm32flash -g 0 COM6
With my current code, this works fine as far as I don’t use interrupt subroutine. ledon and blink both work, but ledtick will reset once the SysTick_Handler() interrupt routine is triggered for the first time. This is due to the fact that the system memory is still mapped at address 0x0 where my interrupt subroutine vector should be. To fix this, I need to insure the flash is mapped at address 0x0 before I enable interrupts.

The memory mapping is managed through the System Configuration controller SYSCFG, so I need to activate it and reconfigure the mapping before my SysTick initialization code in init().

/* Make sure FLASH Memory is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
    RCC_APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN ;      /* Enable SYSCFG */
    SYSCFG_CFGR1 &= ~3 ;                       /* Map FLASH at 0x0 */
and add the SYSCFG peripheral description.
#define RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN    0x00000001  /*  1: SYSCFG clock enable */

#define SYSCFG              ((volatile long *) 0x40010000)
#define SYSCFG_CFGR1        SYSCFG[ 0]
With this in place, I can now switch easily from bootloader to flash code by sending a go command via stm32flash.

Sharing the RAM with the Bootloader

Before I can ask the bootloader to transfer execution to code in RAM, I need first to ask it to write code there. As the bootloader data are located in RAM too, I have to avoid overwriting them. Where is it safe to write in RAM?

The answer is in the application note AN2606 STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode. Section 5 covers STM32F03xx4/6 devices bootloader and it states in 5.1 Bootloader Configuration:

2 Kbyte starting from address 0x20000000 are used by the bootloader firmware.

I am using a STM32F030F4P6, which has 4KB RAM and the bootloader firmware is using the first 2KB. That means I have only 2KB left to use starting from address 0x20000800.

Actually, I have only 2KB left to use until the bootloader firmware transfer execution to my code in RAM. Once my code executes, I can reclaim the first 2KB. This is exactly what I have to tell the linker.

I just create a new linker script f030f4.ram.ld by copying f030f4.ld and changing the memory configuration.

/* FLASH means code, read only data and data initialization */
    FLASH (rx)  : ORIGIN = 0x20000800, LENGTH =  2K
    RAM   (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH =  2K
I can build ledon or blink with that new linker script and check the resulting f030f4.map file. Let’s write this code in RAM and execute it!
stm32flash -w blink.bin -S 0x20000800 COM6
stm32flash -g 0x20000800 COM6
This work just fine but of course the executable of ledon or blink doesn’t use interrupt routines.

ISR Vector in RAM

Like for FLASH, we need to make sure that RAM memory is mapped at address 0x0 and start with the ISR vector. To select the RAM mapping, the MEM_MODE bits need to be set in SYSCFG_CFGR1.
/* Make sure SRAM Memory is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
    RCC_APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN ;        /* Enable SYSCFG */
    SYSCFG_CFGR1 |= 3 ;                          /* Map RAM at 0x0 */
The ISR vector will have at most 16 + 32 entries for STM32F030xx, that means 192 bytes need to be reserved. I add a new section before .data in the link script.
    .isrdata :
        ram_vector = . ;
        . = . + 192 ;
    } > RAM

    .data : AT (__etext)
In the startup code, I add the code to copy the isr_vector[] to the location reserved at the beginning of RAM.
#define ISRV_SIZE (sizeof isr_vector / sizeof *isr_vector)

extern isr_p ram_vector[] ;

/* Copy isr vector to beginning of RAM */
    for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ISRV_SIZE ; i++)
        ram_vector[ i] = isr_vector[ i] ;
RAM initialization now consists of I can now rebuild ledtick or uptime prototype for execution in RAM.  f030f4.map now shows that .data starts at 0x200000C0, after ram_vector[].
.isrdata        0x20000000       0xc0
                0x20000000                ram_vector = .
                0x200000c0                . = (. + 0xc0)
 *fill*         0x20000000       0xc0

.data           0x200000c0        0x0 load address 0x20000c88
                0x200000c0                __data_start__ = .
I can now use stm32flash to write those executables in RAM and request execution.

Memory Models

I have now the choice between four memory models when I build.
| Model   | ISRV Location      | Load address (word aligned)             |
|BOOTFLASH| Beginning of FLASH | Beginning of FLASH                      |
| BOOTRAM | Beginning of RAM   | Beginning of RAM                        |
| GOFLASH | Beginning of RAM   | In FLASH                                |
| GORAM   | Beginning of RAM   | In RAM, after bootloader reserved space |
To avoid having to edit multiple files when switching between models or introducing a new chipset family, I make the following changes.
  1. Use a generic linker script.
  2. Let the startup code handle the isr vector initialization and the memory mapping.
  3. Maintain the FLASH and RAM information and isr vector position in the Makefile.

1. Generic Linker Script

To turn f030f4.ram.ld into a generic linker script, I need to
/* FLASH means code, read only data and data initialization */
    RAM  (rwx) : ORIGIN = DEFINED(RAMSTART) ? RAMSTART : 0x20000000,
The Makefile will provide the necessary addresses and sizes information by passing parameters to the linker: FLASHSTART, FLASHSIZE, RAMSTART, RAMSIZE.
    /* In RAM isr vector reserved space at beginning of RAM */
    .isrdata (NOLOAD):
    } > RAM
The startup code will allocate ram_vector[] in .ram_vector section if needed.

2. Startup Code

I create the startup code startup.ram.c from a copy of startup.txeie.c, using conditional compiled code selected by RAMISRV whose definition will be passed as parameter to the compiler.
#if RAMISRV == 2
# define ISRV_SIZE (sizeof isr_vector / sizeof *isr_vector)
isr_p ram_vector[ ISRV_SIZE] __attribute__((section(".ram_vector"))) ;

int main( void) ;

void Reset_Handler( void) {
    const long  *f ;    /* from, source constant data from FLASH */
    long    *t ;        /* to, destination in RAM */

#if RAMISRV == 2
/* Copy isr vector to beginning of RAM */
    for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < ISRV_SIZE ; i++)
        ram_vector[ i] = isr_vector[ i] ;

/* Assume:
**  __bss_start__ == __data_end__
**  All sections are 4 bytes aligned
    f = __etext ;
    for( t = __data_start__ ; t < __bss_start__ ; t += 1)
        *t = *f++ ;

    while( t < &__bss_end__)
        *t++ = 0 ;

/* Make sure active isr vector is mapped at 0x0 before enabling interrupts */
    RCC_APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN ;           /* Enable SYSCFG */
    SYSCFG_CFGR1 |= 3 ;                             /* Map RAM at 0x0 */
    SYSCFG_CFGR1 &= ~3 ;                            /* Map FLASH at 0x0 */

    if( init() == 0)
        main() ;

    for( ;;)
        __asm( "WFI") ; /* Wait for interrupt */
The SYSCFG controller definition is now included through a chipset specific header file. This way I can maintain all the chipset controllers and peripherals in one place.
#include "stm32f030xx.h"

3. Makefile

The Makefile now holds the memory model definition that is passed as parameters to the compiler and the linker.
### Memory Models
# By default we use the memory mapping from linker script

# In RAM Execution, load and start by USART bootloader
# Bootloader uses first 2K of RAM, execution from bootloader
#FLASHSTART = 0x20000800
#RAMSTART   = 0x20000000
#RAMSIZE    = 2K

# In RAM Execution, load and start via SWD
# 4K RAM available, execution via SWD
#FLASHSTART = 0x20000000
#RAMSTART   = 0x20000C00
#RAMSIZE    = 1K

# In Flash Execution
# if FLASHSTART is not at beginning of FLASH: execution via bootloader or SWD
#FLASHSTART = 0x08000000
#RAMSTART   = 0x20000000
#RAMSIZE    = 4K

# ISR vector copied and mapped to RAM when FLASHSTART != 0x08000000
 ifneq ($(FLASHSTART),0x08000000)
  ifeq ($(FLASHSTART),0x20000000)
   # Map isr vector in RAM
   RAMISRV := 1
   # Copy and map isr vector in RAM
   RAMISRV := 2
 BINLOC  = 0x08000000
Compiler and linker have different syntax for defining symbols through command line parameters.
CPU = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m0 --specs=nano.specs
WARNINGS=-pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes

LD_SCRIPT = generic.ld
LDOPTS +=-Map=$(subst .elf,.map,$@) -cref --print-memory-usage
comma :=,
space :=$() # one space before the comment
LDFLAGS =-Wl,$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(LDOPTS))
As I am revising the compilation flags, I have increased the level of warnings by adding -pedantic, -Wstrict-prototypes.

Build rules updated with new symbols for the linker.

$(PROJECT).elf: $(OBJS) libstm32.a
boot.elf: boot.o
ledon.elf: ledon.o
blink.elf: blink.o
ledtick.elf: ledtick.o
cstartup.elf: cstartup.o

    @echo $@ from $+
    $(CC) $(CPU) -T$(LD_SCRIPT) $(LDFLAGS) -nostartfiles -o $@ $+
    $(SIZE) $@
    $(OBJDUMP) -hS $@ > $(subst .elf,.lst,$@)
The projects composition need to be updated to use the new startup.
SRCS = startup.ram.c txeie.c uptime.1.c
Finally, to keep track of the memory model and the load location, I put the load address in the name of the binary file generated.
all: $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).$(BINLOC).bin
With the corresponding rule
%.$(BINLOC).bin: %.elf
    @echo $@
    $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
This way if I build uptime prototype in GORAM memory model
$ make
f030f4.elf from startup.ram.o txeie.o uptime.1.o libstm32.a
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used
           FLASH:        1163 B         2 KB     56.79%
             RAM:         208 B         2 KB     10.16%
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   1163       0     208    1371     55b f030f4.elf
The name of the file will remind me where to load the code.
$ stm32flash -w f030f4.0x20000800.bin -S 0x20000800 COM6
$ stm32flash -g 0x20000800

Caveat: stm32flash v0.6 intel hex bug

stm32flash v0.6 had a bug that prevents writing intel hex files correctly at address other than the origin of the Flash. A bug fix and the possibility to directly read the base address from the intel hex file was merged in v0.7.

I have branched off my own patched version of stm32flash, I added a -x option to write and execute an intel hex file:

stm32flash -x file.hex COM#
This patch is scheduled to be merged in v0.8.


I build all four memory models and check that they can be loaded and executed using both stm32flash and STM32 Cube Programmer.

Using the USART bootloader, I validate BOOTFLASH, GOFLASH and GORAM with stm32flash and STM32 Cube Programmer.

Using the SWD interface, I validate BOOTFLASH, GOFLASH, BOOTRAM and GORAM with STM32 Cube Programmer.


Next, I will add integrity check at startup by doing CRC32 validation of the code.
© 2020-2025 Renaud Fivet